Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Seese For Sale

By Michael Seese

As part of my Month Of Madness, one my my submissions was to Alfie Dog Fiction. Alfie Dog is a British company which operates "one of the biggest short story download sites on the Internet."

In short, you submit, they approve, they post, you earn.

(Note to my fellow authors: the editor at Alfie Dog is super nice. If a story is "close, but not quite there," she offers real, concrete feedback as to what she feels would help.)

In my case, I submitted "TinkerHell," a short story I wrote a few years back for an anthology.  After a little back and forth, she accepted it. The story "went live" yesterday. 

So, you now can actually buy "TinkerHell" here! And at £0.39, I'd say it's a bargain! 

(Completely seriously, I am not suggesting that any of you go out and buy it. But if you feel like stopping by and Facebook-liking it, that would be OK.)

I hope to get a few more stories out there in the coming months. Pretty soon, I'll be earning money by the ton! The British do weigh their money, right? That's why they call them "pounds."


  1. Congratulations!

    I also now have a pernicious curiosity regarding what, exactly, £0.39 looks like in appropriate coinage.

    1. Actually, my PayPal is set up to accept GBP. So I could maintain "the coin of the realm."
